dan's 'in' with Rockapella
So I'm in this show at Laurel School, doing one of about 8 short Chekov scenes that have been put together to make an evening's entertainment. We've had 2 shows so far, both of which went really well, and there's one more Saturday (tonight) at 7pm. Let me know if you want to go...
Hmm...what else? We're getting ready to strike the rep shows on Monday, and we're working on Christmas Carol, which opens 11/28. It's easy because everything's already built, we just have to do repairs and improvements. (This is the 15th year for the show using the same set. Needless to say, there are plenty of things to fix.)
Talked to Dan Tyler earlier, he's going to the Rockapella show Sat. night in Hartford. That in itself is no big deal, but then he tells me he's driving Jeff and Elliot there. In his car. Unbelievable. Apparently neither of them have a car, and since Dan was going anyway, he offered them a ride and they took him up on it. Un-frickin'- believable.
Next week is another busy week for me, COC concert next weekend, so I'll have rehearsal every night. That'll make things tricky, as I'll be missing 2 EMS rehearsals in a row (I missed this week), and we have a concert coming up in about 2 weeks. yikes. Gotta get my shit together....
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