what to do with all these onions?

So I volunteered to be the "onion guy" for the Biochemistry Department picnic yesterday. Which was oh-so-nice of me because I cut them all the night before. Eight pounds of onions. That's a LOT for a guy who doesn't wear contacts... :o)
Of course, when all was said and done, and I had my fill of burger, hot dog, beer and a pickup soccer game, about half of the original onion stash remained. Thus arose the title of this post.
In the meantime, Axel crashed at my place last night on his way from WI to CT for the summer job. We drank a lot and he left this morning, but not before generously leaving my freezer with a frozen venison steak he brought from home. This all appears pretty random, you might be thinking. It is. But, it will all come together in the end, I promise.

So I thought about cooking the venison today for dinner, but realized I have no idea how to prepare it, besides what Axel told me last night, which remains a little foggy. So I took to my recipe book shelf, and finally ended up just leafing through Mr. Food Cooks Like Mama! and finding a recipe for ONION RINGS! I promptly abandoned the venison idea, as I'll probably be eating the buffet tonight at Pickwick between shows, and set about battering some of these delicious Vidalias.

It's a very easy batter recipe, and in just 2-3 minutes per side in the oil, these former tear jerkers brought tears to my eyes yet again! Good times. I'm thinking about trying French Onion Soup next...
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