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get it?

Monday, March 20, 2006

Things to do today...

1. Make dinner
2. Organize my emails
3. Read CNN
4. Play the Guitar
5. Check the settings on my iPod
6. Play the guitar to songs from my iPod
7. Make an ice cream sundae
8. Check my email again
9. Sort my real mail
10. Think about doing my taxes
11. Promptly abandon the "do my taxes" idea
12. Fold laundry
13. Start thinking about my BIOLOGY REPORT DUE TOMORROW
14. Sit down at the computer
15. Check my email
16. Read AliceRu's comments on my blog
17. Read AliceRu's blog
18. Think about how funny it is that I haven't started that report yet
19. Wonder what else I can do to procrastinate
20. Write this post

Any more suggestions? :o)

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Top 5

Emeril has some sweet recipes. Lamb and Stout Casserole is among them. That's what I made for my PI's birthday lunch today. Holy cow. Guinness and lamb chops together with a bunch of vegetables...good Irish food for the upcoming holiday.

I watched High Fidelity tonight. Makes me want to have someone here. But, since that doesn't appear to be the case at the moment, I have the next best thing: my own top 5 list.

Top 5 reasons why you shouldn't date me:
  1. I don't wake up. No way, no how. The snooze button is my best friend. And when I can't find it, I'm more likely to just keep sleeping than get out of bed and find it.
  2. I sing all the time. If it's not something you enjoy, it's bound to be something you're gonna hate. I sing in the shower, in the car, at work, with the radio, with myself, and so on. It won't stop. Ever.
  3. My jokes are bad. I tell bad jokes. Not just bad jokes. I say things that are really stupid, sometimes intentionally. Why? I have no idea. Maybe I didn't get enough attention as a child. Maybe somewhere along the line I forgot to pick up social skills. Sometimes it doesn't even make me laugh.
  4. There's a strong possibility I'll get more excited about a sweet note or chord by some singer or group of singers than I will about your cute little black dress. At this point, may I suggest grabbing me by the arm or throat or other appendage, getting me into bed by any means possible, and setting me straight on the issue? I'll forget about the song, I promise.
  5. I voted for George Dubya the first time around (2000, that is). That about covers it for that one.

Hope you liked that. I had fun making it. I'm sure there are more reasons. Those are just the best ones. I dare you to try to come up with more by actually dating me.

Double Dog Dare...

Monday, March 13, 2006

lazy lazy lazy

So I'm the laziest person I know, I think. Or maybe just the best night owl ever. It has to be one or the other.

The Queens Fryer came to visit this weekend from Nashville. That was enjoyable. We need to figure out what's going on for Reunion II in July, if it's going to happen. Too bad I'm the one who's screwing it all up. So it goes.

Friday, March 10, 2006

End of an era

I'm saddened to report that I just saw one of the women of my life for the last time. She was a good friend. Very loyal, hard working, and of course not without her faults. But she taught me a lot about life and about how things should all fit together.

Now some guy in Los Alamos wants to give her 600 horsepower, some body work and new brakes. Doesn't sound so much like a woman, you say? Well, you must never have met my truck!

So long, Besse!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

at it again...late, with too many "too bad"s

I work late a lot. Too bad I can't have a beer while I'm here...

This is a cool idea for a phone. Too bad it's not actually a cell phone, and too bad my phone is too old to have Bluetooth. So it goes.